Friday, June 26, 2009

Dream At Tempo 119

Well here I am, making my very first music recommendation. Tonight the band I want to introduce to you is


The Silversun Pickups are an Indie band from America and to put it simply, they are one of the sexiest bands alive. They bring with them a Smashing Pumpkinesque sound which in my opinion is a pretty awesome thing. The lead singers somewhat shrill voice coupled with the use of synthesizers and "twangy" guitars produce a sound that can only be described as eerie, and yet it somehow manages to be very enjoyable. I do however find the music to get a bit repetitive so listening to them in fairly small doses would probably be the best idea.

They rate "Pretty Damn Sexy" on the Sexiness Scale

Songs to get:
Lazy Eye
Well Thought Out Twinkles
Panic Switch
Little Lovers So Polite

That is all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Future Foe Scenarios - A Preview of Things to Come

Don't expect a proper post until Friday, I just don't have the time

I still however do hav
e time to write about what to expect from posts in future.
My only real goal for posting is that I be one post ahead of the other blogs which have started recently (Sean , Nathan and Jack's), I know it probably doesn't mean much to anybody reading this but I know that I'll feel as though I accomplished something. I know you probably couldn't give less of a toss about my own personal affairs so expect a fair few posts reviewing albums and generally just writing about genres, ownership and all of that jazz as well as pretty much anything that comes to mind.

Just a list of a few albums I might possibly be reviewing in the near future:
Second & Eighteen
Grand National
Rio Grande Blood
Second Coming
Escape From Cookie Mountain
Louder Now
Mechanical Animals
Doctor Feelgood

Take It or Leave it

I find myself starting a blog fairly late into the "blogging trend" so please bear with me if my blog is somehow behind in comparison to the oceans of others.

I've started this blog with no real aims in mind, no goals and no themes. I know this may seem a bit absent-minded but to be honest I don't want to be tied down by one theme or ultimately spend all my time striding for one goal, I would much rather be able to post whatever than have to keep creating new blogs.

Expect a proper post sometime in the future.