Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hello There

First off let me say sorry for the string of pretty mediocre posts. They were just outright uninspired and generally boring.

The recent popularization of "Indie" or "Alternative" music has been starting to get to me, particularly tonight at the student "Coffee House" concert. At least half the songs were either "Indie" or "Alt Rock" and by no means is this a bad thing, each to his own hey? Well the relatively loud crowd and soft amplification made every song seem, well... bland, there were no real distinguishing features in the songs, many didn't even feature a drumkit. The audience was left awkwardly standing around whilst a singer/guitarist quietly murmured into the microphone. Without energy a performance is unbearably boring. Sure indie music can be a great listen when you're in a chill mood but when attending a concert which is meant to be energetic at least show a bit of energy. Yves Klein Blue did, The Last Dinosaurs did, it's not that hard.

The trail of mediocrity continues.

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