Monday, February 14, 2011

Does This Mean You're Moving On?

Due to a serious case of trying not to tell the internet about my boring as shit life coupled with having shit all else to say I can almost confidently say I Get By will not be updated ever. I do however recommend you check out my good friend Destructor's blog as he eloquently tackles the trivialities of everyday life in his down to Earth, relateable and touching memoirs.

Here is the link again, just in case you missed it

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hello There

First off let me say sorry for the string of pretty mediocre posts. They were just outright uninspired and generally boring.

The recent popularization of "Indie" or "Alternative" music has been starting to get to me, particularly tonight at the student "Coffee House" concert. At least half the songs were either "Indie" or "Alt Rock" and by no means is this a bad thing, each to his own hey? Well the relatively loud crowd and soft amplification made every song seem, well... bland, there were no real distinguishing features in the songs, many didn't even feature a drumkit. The audience was left awkwardly standing around whilst a singer/guitarist quietly murmured into the microphone. Without energy a performance is unbearably boring. Sure indie music can be a great listen when you're in a chill mood but when attending a concert which is meant to be energetic at least show a bit of energy. Yves Klein Blue did, The Last Dinosaurs did, it's not that hard.

The trail of mediocrity continues.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Taste of Ink

Just a quick one, on scrolling through my posts I've really noticed a huge shift in the type of language used, from long sophisticated words at the beginning to more colloquial phrases before my hiatus. Upon return my last two posts have consisted of crude dick jokes, a lot of swearing and general arrogance.

Just something I've noticed.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

I think I'm going to be sick, today I discovered the most controversial and socially wrong hijinx to taint the very surface of this Earth if not the whole universe.


Remember the childhood classic film "Muppets In Space"? Of course you do, it was pretty ossum. Today I came to the horrible horrible realization, at no point in "Muppets in Space" did the Muppets actually go into space, let me give you a second to digest that. Sure there was a plot based loosely around aliens and part of the film was inside a missile base. All of these and Hulk Hogan were simply used to mask the fact that at no point did any of the muppets even come close to passing through the Earth's atmosphere. It's seriously the biggest atrocity to scar the face of this once beautiful Earth
<> Rwandan_genocide.gif < /img >

I also got told something incredibly awesome, if you're on a Windows computer open up C:/Windows/Media/onestop.MIDI
It's so fucking awesome.

In order to fund this writer's tremendous drug habit, I regret to inform you that this blog will now be supporting banner advertisements as a final measure to keep a certain someone from giving head for crack behind dumpsters.

Edit: The film was actually called muppets FROM space, major fuckup on my part.

When I Get To The Green Building

"Hokay I'm promesing hyou i am bak to blogging and whill be rieting moar blawgs in the naer futur"
-Never ever me ever.

But seriously everyone, just up and left, came back a month or two later saying the above and left again. C'mon guys, up the game. On an unrelated note I come with a new post so awesomely wordsmithed together that Zeus himself would be all like "That's pretty cool I guess". This suave ball of eloquent words will literally fuck your eyes and figuratively jizz on your sense of amazement.

Over time I've been compiling a list of things to do before I die, hopefully in doing all of these things I will encapsulate what it is to be alive. Enclosed below is a list of things I'd recommend you do before you die so you can truly live, achieve a more fulfilling sex life and find the secret of the Jade Monkey Dragon.

1. Replace all payphones in an area with strings attached to cups and string them all together.

2. Rent out an SUV and abuse hybrid owners for polluting the earth.

3. Start a 3 way call with two sex lines, remain silent and listen to the results.

4. Break a large group of people into spontaneous musical esque song.

5. Simply put, start a bible fight.

6. Order 16 pizzas cut in 6 slices (This will be important for later), obtain a stretch hummer and begin to drive to Victoria, upon the way you will meet up with Frankie, he will have the blue key- ____________________________________________________________________________________
Your trial period has expired, please upgrade
to an I GET BY GOLD ACCOUNT in order to proceed

The above post was a textbook example of a dissapointing comeback from an unessecarily long hiatus, aka 80's rock star syndrome.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hot for teacher, one of the most supra* awesome video clips I have ever seen, David Lee Roth is simply an amazing dancer. Great song too, Van Halen is quite an awesome band.

*Supra: adj: Super awesomely super

Monday, August 10, 2009

I Am Law, You Are Crime

Well, as my previous post put so eloquently, fuck trends. I am announcing that I am NOT following the trend of quitting like so many others just because someone else quit, I am not deleting this blog and starting a new one up in a few month when I regain interest. The main reason is because I'm not willing to spend a quarter of my new posts detailing my re-arrival and setting everything up, half of my posts on the same old trivial ass-trippings that don't differ from my last blog and the other quarter promising new posts.

I will stay true to this blog, this blog will not die, this blog will be posted on, I will never lose passion, I never had passion.

The major failings people have experienced with blogs is that they go into the blog expecting it be a full time job, they post as often as they can about anything they can possibly think of so that they can construct a post with the assumption that anything will suffice so long as they word it well. You aren't meant to go into a blog thinking of things to post about, the thought process for a post should be "that's kind of interesting, I could make a pretty good post out of that." Because of this I'll be posting sporadically whenever something of interest comes up.

This post was referencing my past actions and resemblances are within good spirit or unintentionally.