Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cool Scene

Well here I am with 2.5 posts to write in one night so please enjoy. Oh and this post's idea is pretty much copied off Nathan, I just wanted to give my own two cents on it.

In the bustling commercialized world of today it can be hard to feel like you are your own person. Quite a few people try to combat this by dressing and acting in their own unique way in order to "break free" of any sort of grouping or classification and essentially become their own person. Unfortunately these people are often put into their own group with others who are trying to look unique, this means that most attempts to dress in a unique way will land a person being classified as either "goth", "scene" or hipster. The people contained within groups that we would classify as "scene" or "artsy" actually carry very unique and different styles from eachother, it's almost as we're grouping people who try to be unique together into their own group.

I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is don't go out of your way to be unique as if you dress in clothes that are too dark or have any sort of bodily alteration (i.e. tattoos or piercings) you will probably just be classified as goth or scene regardless of what you intend for. On the other hand: dress however you want and people will either avoid you because they instantly assume you must have a major personality flaw that stops you wanting to dress like everyone else OR you will be classed as a "hipster" or "artistic" type.

So overall there really is no point in trying to dress in a unique way because to be honest it will just lead to you being grouped anyway. I know it's sad to say but I recommend you try to dress in a way which is somewhat unique but not unique enough to make it look like a deliberate attempt at individuality.

That is all
Musical recommendation: It's Only Divine Right: The New Pornographers

Am I a prisoner to instincts
or do my thoughts just live as free and detached as boats to the dock?
Just like when music was born and detached from your heart.
Is your free time to free minds or for falling apart?
Night after night you turn out the light.
You don't fall asleep right away.
"Are we... are we done?"

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