Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hold On

Last night while rummaging through some crap in my cupboard I stumbled upon my old notepad, seeing as I was sick, bored and without internet I decided to give drawing a shot. Seeing as I had no pens within grabbing range all my pictures are drawn with Faber Castel "Connector Pens", I hope you are able to enjoy my artistic masterpieces.

When I first put pen to paper I drew whatever shapes came to mind and it formed into this.
pretty badass eh?

Since the first attempt ended to awesomely I attempted to put pen to paper again, this is what I ended up with.
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Does this mean I have problems?

Alright, third attempt, I was thinking I'd maybe get something at least on par with the first drawing.
It's some sort of fucked up mixture of the first two concepts, brought to life in the form of an angry killer sperm.

I'm probably better off not drawing... ever.

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