Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hot for teacher, one of the most supra* awesome video clips I have ever seen, David Lee Roth is simply an amazing dancer. Great song too, Van Halen is quite an awesome band.

*Supra: adj: Super awesomely super

Monday, August 10, 2009

I Am Law, You Are Crime

Well, as my previous post put so eloquently, fuck trends. I am announcing that I am NOT following the trend of quitting like so many others just because someone else quit, I am not deleting this blog and starting a new one up in a few month when I regain interest. The main reason is because I'm not willing to spend a quarter of my new posts detailing my re-arrival and setting everything up, half of my posts on the same old trivial ass-trippings that don't differ from my last blog and the other quarter promising new posts.

I will stay true to this blog, this blog will not die, this blog will be posted on, I will never lose passion, I never had passion.

The major failings people have experienced with blogs is that they go into the blog expecting it be a full time job, they post as often as they can about anything they can possibly think of so that they can construct a post with the assumption that anything will suffice so long as they word it well. You aren't meant to go into a blog thinking of things to post about, the thought process for a post should be "that's kind of interesting, I could make a pretty good post out of that." Because of this I'll be posting sporadically whenever something of interest comes up.

This post was referencing my past actions and resemblances are within good spirit or unintentionally.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stop! - Fuck trends and fuck you

Sunday, July 26, 2009

No Hassle Night

Well, I haven't made a post in quite a while but please don't take it as though I've gotten bored and given up because I honestly haven't. The reason I haven't posted is a combination of two things:
1. I' ve been too busy enjoying the holidays
2. To be quite honest I haven't had any good ideas about a post

But don't worry because I do have an idea for the next post, the only reason I haven't actually published it yet is because its pretty damn long, in depth and hopefully an orgasm of text. Expect a tidal wave of creamed jeans and anger in my next post about the mainstream, bands of the generation and all things related.

Musical recommendation: Like a Fool - Shaimus

That is all.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prequel To The Sequel

I experienced a bit of a bump in my last post when photobucket decided to be a neurotic shit-tank and remove my second picture, this meant my post was left unfinished and naked to prying eyes. After consoling with photobucket's much more accepting and yet somewhat less useful brother imageshack, the picture is finally up. Imageshack, being a general shit kept screwing up when I tried to make the picture full sized rather than a thumbnail.

Please enjoy this complimentary wallpaper of my aptly-named "ballfox"
Free Image Hosting at

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hold On

Last night while rummaging through some crap in my cupboard I stumbled upon my old notepad, seeing as I was sick, bored and without internet I decided to give drawing a shot. Seeing as I had no pens within grabbing range all my pictures are drawn with Faber Castel "Connector Pens", I hope you are able to enjoy my artistic masterpieces.

When I first put pen to paper I drew whatever shapes came to mind and it formed into this.
pretty badass eh?

Since the first attempt ended to awesomely I attempted to put pen to paper again, this is what I ended up with.
Free Image Hosting at
Does this mean I have problems?

Alright, third attempt, I was thinking I'd maybe get something at least on par with the first drawing.
It's some sort of fucked up mixture of the first two concepts, brought to life in the form of an angry killer sperm.

I'm probably better off not drawing... ever.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Clean Shot

So here I find myself, sick for the second time in this holidays, albeit not as bad as last time. Now that I have more time on my hands you should probably expect some fairly decent posts in the near future.
I updated the banner because a certain *unoriginal cockbag decided to one-up my banner.

*The term unoriginal cockbag can in no way be attributed to the author of this blog and the contents of included posts.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Obstacle 2

Here's a quick list of bands I've recently stumbled upon and whole-heartedly recommend you listen to:
  • Interpol
  • The Bravery
  • The Myriad
  • The Material
  • Them Terribles
  • The Horrors
  • The Dead Weather (Jack White's new band)
  • The Devil Wears Prada

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Electric Version

After taking a look at the incredibly awesome Triple J Hottest 100 Countdown I've decided to compile and share my personal top 10 "favorite songs"
They are personal favorites and I fully acknowledge they are not the best songs of all time, they are just songs I myself like the most.

10. Dumb Mistakes - Faker I know you might be thinking "How shit" but my like for this song is more about nostalgia and memories this song brings. It also shits all over their singles which are pretty terrible.
The Distance - Cake
This song is great, the story is a trifle sad but it has an awesome bass line and is a generally awesome song.
8. Burden In My Head - Soundgarden
I honestly can't say too much about this song from a musical standpoint; it has a pretty awesome introduction and manages to sound upbeat no matter how depressing the lyrics might be. Chris Cornell manages to sing "So kill your health and kill yourself, kill everything you love" in a way that seems eerily happy.
7. Ashes To Fire - Ghost Hounds
This song is short and the band is fairly unknown but it's a great song none the less.The song manages to combine elements jazz, soul and rock and as a result sounds freaking amazing. It's a real shame that this band's music is so hard to obtain
6. Debaser - Pixies
This song has really grown on me and although it might not be the most musically complex piece it still sounds great and provides a break from the typical "Pixies' Sound"
5. Anywhere But Here - Sick Puppies
This song is left fairly underrated in comparison to the rest of the album, chronologically it creates the perfect buildup to the albums last song and overall it's a great song. It's constant tempo switches, changes in vocal pitch and complex drum fills all contribute to the song being great.
4. Main Offender - The Hives
This song is non-stop energy from start to finish, the distortion on the vocals and guitar give the song a hard edged and aggressive feel. The catchy guitar riff and unique sounding drums make this song memorable.
3. When I Was a Little Girl - Billy Talent

This song is little over 2 minutes long and yet it proves it's worth within the first 15 seconds, the beat is fast and unrelenting, the guitar riff is catchy and the drums are chaotic. The vocals are sung fast and loud with the occasional scream, explicit lyrics and drastic pitch changes. This song is easily the best song on the album and I think it's a shame that it's only a bonus track on their breakthrough album.
2. Juicebox - The Strokes
Juicebox brings a dramatic change to the sound of the Strokes, it's a much more aggressive and hard edged in comparison the other songs. The bass guitar takes center stage in this song, filling the role of a "lead guitar" for the most part. The guitar plays the rhythm part of the song for the most part excluding the awesome guitar solo which is really unusual of The Strokes. During the verses the vocalist sings in a way which is almost regular speech, however this picks up during the chorus where he practically shouts "Why won't you come over here", he then leads into a harmonic bridge which has a clean sounds without distortion, providing a good break between verse and chorus.
1. It's Only Divine Right - The New Pornographers
Just listen to it.

Other Mentions

The Electric Version - New Pornographers
Cancer - Sick Puppies
Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden
America - Razorlight
Ize Of The World - The Strokes

I hope you enjoyed this riveting post
You probably didn't...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tim is a silly person

It's true

Monday, July 6, 2009

The New

Nathan's fancy arse theme was making me feel pretty inadequate so I updated mine too.

Just in case you wanted it without text for whatever reason (I'm sure there are many)

Ashes To Fire

Holidays are here at last and although the last term may have felt like a bit of a blur, on looking back you really realize just how long it's been since the last 3 weeks of joy.

I haven't posted for a bit, that's MAINLY because I've been pretty damn sick for the last few days (which was no fun). I've also been pretty engrossed in Banjo Tooie during my period of illness so before you say "well you could have posted while you were sick" please keep in mind that I wasn't in the best frame of mind.

I recommend:
Not being sick
Banjo Tooie
The 'Nothings Shocking' album by Jane's Addiction
Ride The Lightning : Metallica
Playing THIS

Now wasn't that a thrilling substance filled post?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Laws Have Changed

This is a bit of a quickie,
Here is a short list of 10 songs which are great for lifting your mood on those particularly shitty days:

1. The Electric Version - The New Pornographers

2. Spaceman - The Killers

3. The Middle - Jimmy Eat World

4. 19-200 [Soulchild Remix] - Gorillaz

5. Move Your Feet - Junior Senior

6. Never Miss A Beat - Kaiser Cheifs

7. We Used to Be Friends/Bohemian Like You - The Dandy Warhols

8. Ooh Lah - The Kooks

9. Lazy Bones - Faker (Don't Eat Me)

10. Razorblade - The Strokes

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Catch Hell Blues

Yesterday I went to Barker's student music concert "Coffee House" and I must say it was bounds better than I expected it to be.

The night began with a large group of students congregating outside the hall in both casuals and school uniform, we were let in a few minutes later to find most of the seats had been pushed to the back and two choir-stands set up on the sides of the hall for seating. The hall was quite dark and the concert began with Mark Harding introducing the first band who played an instrumental song to set a mood while the hall filled up. Smitty came onstage and gave some words of warning and the concert was underway.

Surprisingly enough there was a pretty decent mosh and although it was missing some things an authentic mosh has like aggressive people who feel inclined to headbutt everyone who gets near them. Surprisingly enough the most was fairly strong and quite a few people did fall over. One of the best parts of the mosh however was that the people in it were, well... kids, this meant that it was pretty easy to push people forward and backward and there wasn't really an exceptionally aggressive air to the mosh. The mosh was insanely fun and circles formed pretty often. Unfortunately Barker hired security in the form of two insanely muscular 'ethnic' fellows who's jobs were to pull unruly audience members out of the mosh and send them outside for two songs.

I'll spare you the extreme detail of the concert, however the highlights were:
  • The crowd chanting "take it off" to Batchen
  • Robot Rock being played by two guys in motorcycle helmets
  • The 3 year 9 bands being surprisingly good
  • Turbo Destructor's epic song choices (Thunderstruck and Shipping off to Boston)
  • The B-Sides singing the pretty epic Don't Look Back in Anger
  • Soussa being pulled out of the mosh by security and having the entire audience point and cheer
That is all.

Musical Recommendation: Leopold by Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives

I'm on my way
Can't settle down
Stuck in ways of sadistic joy
My talent only goes as far as to annoy
I'm on my way

This is my main offender
This is what I've got and it's got me saying
Why me?

Cool Scene

Well here I am with 2.5 posts to write in one night so please enjoy. Oh and this post's idea is pretty much copied off Nathan, I just wanted to give my own two cents on it.

In the bustling commercialized world of today it can be hard to feel like you are your own person. Quite a few people try to combat this by dressing and acting in their own unique way in order to "break free" of any sort of grouping or classification and essentially become their own person. Unfortunately these people are often put into their own group with others who are trying to look unique, this means that most attempts to dress in a unique way will land a person being classified as either "goth", "scene" or hipster. The people contained within groups that we would classify as "scene" or "artsy" actually carry very unique and different styles from eachother, it's almost as we're grouping people who try to be unique together into their own group.

I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is don't go out of your way to be unique as if you dress in clothes that are too dark or have any sort of bodily alteration (i.e. tattoos or piercings) you will probably just be classified as goth or scene regardless of what you intend for. On the other hand: dress however you want and people will either avoid you because they instantly assume you must have a major personality flaw that stops you wanting to dress like everyone else OR you will be classed as a "hipster" or "artistic" type.

So overall there really is no point in trying to dress in a unique way because to be honest it will just lead to you being grouped anyway. I know it's sad to say but I recommend you try to dress in a way which is somewhat unique but not unique enough to make it look like a deliberate attempt at individuality.

That is all
Musical recommendation: It's Only Divine Right: The New Pornographers

Am I a prisoner to instincts
or do my thoughts just live as free and detached as boats to the dock?
Just like when music was born and detached from your heart.
Is your free time to free minds or for falling apart?
Night after night you turn out the light.
You don't fall asleep right away.
"Are we... are we done?"

Friday, June 26, 2009

Dream At Tempo 119

Well here I am, making my very first music recommendation. Tonight the band I want to introduce to you is


The Silversun Pickups are an Indie band from America and to put it simply, they are one of the sexiest bands alive. They bring with them a Smashing Pumpkinesque sound which in my opinion is a pretty awesome thing. The lead singers somewhat shrill voice coupled with the use of synthesizers and "twangy" guitars produce a sound that can only be described as eerie, and yet it somehow manages to be very enjoyable. I do however find the music to get a bit repetitive so listening to them in fairly small doses would probably be the best idea.

They rate "Pretty Damn Sexy" on the Sexiness Scale

Songs to get:
Lazy Eye
Well Thought Out Twinkles
Panic Switch
Little Lovers So Polite

That is all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Future Foe Scenarios - A Preview of Things to Come

Don't expect a proper post until Friday, I just don't have the time

I still however do hav
e time to write about what to expect from posts in future.
My only real goal for posting is that I be one post ahead of the other blogs which have started recently (Sean , Nathan and Jack's), I know it probably doesn't mean much to anybody reading this but I know that I'll feel as though I accomplished something. I know you probably couldn't give less of a toss about my own personal affairs so expect a fair few posts reviewing albums and generally just writing about genres, ownership and all of that jazz as well as pretty much anything that comes to mind.

Just a list of a few albums I might possibly be reviewing in the near future:
Second & Eighteen
Grand National
Rio Grande Blood
Second Coming
Escape From Cookie Mountain
Louder Now
Mechanical Animals
Doctor Feelgood

Take It or Leave it

I find myself starting a blog fairly late into the "blogging trend" so please bear with me if my blog is somehow behind in comparison to the oceans of others.

I've started this blog with no real aims in mind, no goals and no themes. I know this may seem a bit absent-minded but to be honest I don't want to be tied down by one theme or ultimately spend all my time striding for one goal, I would much rather be able to post whatever than have to keep creating new blogs.

Expect a proper post sometime in the future.